Interaction Design Intern
My experience
I worked on smaller interactions like sign up, forgot password, email confirmation screens. Observed and took notes during user testing sessions. Presented work to client during design review meetings. Other interns and I worked on an internal intern project which was awesome!
A big thing was my team, manager, PM, design manager, great to work with and easy to talk to about anything. The biggest thing to share is doing 1:1 coffee chats to get to know frogs from different disciplines (industrial design, architecture, design technologists, etc) is very interesting and I would highly recommend. The type of clients are also interesting. Although I don't feel like I'm working on many design tasks or pushing pixels every day, meeting people, working with the client, and really listening - I am learning so much.
Would recommend it to people who...
Want to meet some of the smartest, talented, and kindest designers you there. These people are experts and are so willing to help others, especially interns, learn the roles and grow.
Impact of work
Time spent working
How did working remote affect your experience?
It worked out well! A bit harder to meet other employees but by setting up 1:1 coffee chats, I felt like I got to know others well and build those relationships.
Interview advice
How did you find the job / apply?
Interview Rounds
Interview type
Interview questions
Explain your design process. If you could do anything differently what would it be?
Advice on how to prepare
Make your slide deck pretty to look at for the portfolio review. And really make it clear what your role was on a project if you were working with a team.
More questions? Send the reviewer a message!