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Yokogawa Corporation of America

Electrical Engineering
See all reviews for Yokogawa Corporation of America

Co-op Engineer

Structured co-op Newnan, GAEmployed: Fall 2017, Summer 2018, Spring 2019
Department: R&D Team
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


I spent most of my time in CAD software designing flow meter prototypes. This would have been great, but the team was extremely underfunded, which meant most of my designs were totally hypothetical. The other big part of my time was spent testing flowmeters in the company's flow calibration facility.

Would recommend it to people who...

Don't want an overly demanding first co-op/internship experience

Would NOT recommend it to people who...

want to do impactful work.

Impact of work

How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?

Time spent working

Interview advice

Advice on how to prepare

Referred by an HR rep who already knew me

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