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The Coca-Cola Company

See all reviews for The Coca-Cola Company

Business Analyst Intern

Atlanta, GAEmployed: Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020
Format: Remote + In-person
Department: Segmentation Team (GRM)
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


I ran reports (set filters) to then transfer to PowerPoints about which products did best in certain types of stores. I did a lot of manual data matching via SQL. I did develop my own excel tool when COVID hit allowing stakeholders to see the difference pre/post COVID on drinks purchased at certain stores.


Great first internship. I learned how to be professional and learned so much Excel. I was exposed to a lot and people were very willing to network.


My team was not very communicative, which was isolating at times and the work was not stimulating.

Impact of work

Time spent working

How did working remote affect your experience?

Internship was restructured around the same time so hard to tell. Had more check-in meetings, so more contact and communication.

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Interview Rounds

Interview type

Interview questions

My interview was incredibly casual (specific to my team). Most questions were around past experience, tool proficiency and my interests.

Advice on how to prepare


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