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The Haskell Company

See all reviews for The Haskell Company

Seasonal Intern

Atlanta, GAEmployed: Spring 2020, Spring 2021
Format: In-person
Department: Mechanical Packaging
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


Worked on design and documentation for consumer package goods and and beer wine and spirits packaging lines.

The work environment is fairly laid back, but working for a smaller company is extremely helpful. The work interns/co-ops are generally busy and get to do meaningful work and are in high demand from project engineers and senior engineers.


Busy, Positive Environment, Business Travel, Impactful Projects, Ability to work/get paid for overtime


Sometimes people prioritize work over personal life a little too much, there is a potential to be sent on site for weeks or months at a time

Impact of work

Time spent working

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Interview Rounds

Interview type

Interview questions

They asked me to describe a group I'd worked in. It was awhile ago but I don't remember the questions being anything too difficult. Just be personable.

Advice on how to prepare

Being able to hold a good and casual conversation is just as important as answering the interview questions well.

More questions? Send the reviewer a message!