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Breakthrough Collaborative

See all reviews for Breakthrough Collaborative

Teaching Fellow

Unstructured internship Southeast (if I gave the specific site it would reveal my identity, since I was the only GT student there)Employed: Summer 2019
Format: In-person
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


Fleshed out curriculum to teach core subjects to middle schoolers two classes a day, built extracurricular class from scratch, supervised students during breaks and activities

This was a really challenging internship that was really rewarding and I'm so glad I did it. It's a great way to dip your foot in the water of teaching, with tiny class sizes (mine were 5-7 kids) and solid support dedicated to helping you succeed. It's a LOT of work, though, with high pressure to do right by these kids, and low pay (barely living expenses). You have to be dedicated to making this the center of your entire life for the summer.

Would recommend it to people who...

Are creative and enjoy working with kids

Would NOT recommend it to people who...

Aren't willing to seriously challenge themselves and work hard (7+ hours onsite followed by hours of take home work)

Impact of work

How much knowledge or experience was needed going in (pre-requisites)?

Time spent working

Interview advice

Interview Rounds

Interview format(s)

Interview type

Advice on how to prepare

Be honest and show what unique qualities you can bring to the team!

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