Supply Chain Intern

Unstructured internship RemoteEmployed: Summer 2020
Format: Remote
Department: Procurement
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


My main project was to help the procurement division for corporate activities redesign their buying instructions. They were in the midst of changing lots of their vendors, and I helped on the technical side of vetting vendors and setting them up in the new online terminal. Frankly, most of the work here went way over my head. It was a big project that I was put into right in the middle of it all. My supervisor was very kind and helpful, but I spent lots of my time in meetings listening to more important people talking about technical things. My second project was to conduct research on language training companies to help train contracted workers. Cargill is a global company, so they need many of their workers who relocate to speak new languages. I worked with the companies for pricing and provided a comprehensive presentation at the end. This was one of my favorite parts because I was given the chance to really work on my own and show off my abilities.

The best part of the internship was the networking. From day one, the company really pushed us interns to meet with as many people within the organization as we could. All we had to do was personally reach out to someone, and it was instantly approved. Even as an intern, I was able to meet one-on-one with a Vice President of the company and multiple high level managers. They all were very open about the company and their role. I was astounded at how respected I felt and the time they were willing to give me as an intern. It's the reason I've accepted an internship here, again.

Would recommend it to people who...

Enjoy working on team projects, sitting in meetings, and being told that you did a lot of good work even when you're lost

Impact of work

Time spent working

How did working remote affect your experience?

Didn't help with motivation, but Cargill worked hard to make it manageable

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Interview Rounds

Interview type

Interview questions

The internship was very straightforward. They wanted to get to know me, how I enjoyed my degree, and what my long term goals were. Being a sophomore when I applied didn't hurt my chances whatsoever. A lot of the questions also just dealt with my personal life. What extra curriculars do I do? How's college going? They seemed to be really interested in making sure that I was a real person.

Advice on how to prepare

Cargill has a high tendency to hire their interns. It makes the selection process at bit more difficult because they only hire enough interns to fill available full time positions. If you are in an interview, it is extremely beneficial to mention how you are committed to Cargill for the long run.

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