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Software Engineering Intern

Atlanta, GAEmployed: Summer 2019
Format: In-person
Overall rating


Culture rating
Work rating

My experience


My team of interns developed a point-of-sale app for an Android device with built in barcode scanner. We started from wireframes/sketches provided by a designer and built a full PoS flow through the app.


A substantial project with real value


Even on a project started completely from scratch, we had to deal with significant legacy tech with insufficient documentation

Impact of work

Time spent working

Interview advice

How did you find the job / apply?

Interview Rounds

Interview type

Interview questions

A decent portion of the interview related to data structures and OOP knowledge, but the questions were not difficult. I don't fully remember the questions but "which is better: array list or linked list" was a conceptual question I was asked and "determine if a string is a palindrome" is a coding question I was asked.

Advice on how to prepare

Make sure you're comfortable with the basics of OOP and data structures and algorithms.

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